Robert Birming

Bad vibes

Today I did a couple of jobs in an area where I don't like to work. It's not that it's threatening, dirty, or that I have bad memories of it. It's just that I get a bad vibe, something that grates on me.

Often, when I visit clients, regardless of the neighborhood, I get a sense of what I'm going to encounter before I knock on the door. It's not about how the house looks or something the client said on the phone. It's just a feeling, something that can't be put into words.

Am I saying I have supernatural powers? No, of course not. On the contrary, I think this is one of the most natural things in the world.

I believe most people can relate to this. We go to a house viewing and feel that it "doesn't feel right somehow." We meet a super nice person, but we still understand deep down that "I don't want to take this relationship any further."

It's a kind of intangible inner guide.

Personally, though, there is one area where, for some reason, I typically don't listen to that inner guide, even though I can feel it: when I get an idea.

For example, it could be a new project I want to launch or a new task I'm about to take on. Buzz, buzz, buzz... The vibes are there, but still:

Let's go!

I don't know why it's like that, and I don't know if you recognize it.

Maybe it's that the excitement and ecstasy vibrate so much more intensely. It's not as long-lived and, therefore, goes full throttle. A flash of “genius”, short-lived and packed with energy.

I don't know; I'm just thinking and writing at the same time. What I do know, however, is that it always feels good to write in this way. Just pouring thoughts out onto the writing canvas.

Who knows, it might even lead to more vigilance the next time lightning strikes and the sound of the rolling thunder becomes a:

Let's go!