Robert Birming

Creativity 2.0

Street painter

Today is one of those days when I feel empty of ideas for something to write about. It got me thinking about creativity and inspiration.

Most things in life are structured like:

  1. We want to achieve something.
  2. We perform an action.
  3. We get a result.

I am thirsty. I drink water. The thirst is quenched.

Creativity works similarly: we get an idea, which leads us to create in one way or another, and then we get a result. 1, 2, 3.

But this way of thinking requires that the idea itself, the inspiration, is already there. As all creators know, this is not always the case. On the contrary, it's often a complete blank.

What if we looked at creativity differently? What if we tried a gentler approach by not demanding that inspiration be there for creation to happen? What if we try to help inspiration along?

We sit with a blank page, and nothing happens. But we decide to do something anyway: a brushstroke, a word, a note. It lacks meaning, but it’s far from meaningless.

Nothing has become something. An invitation. An open arm to welcome inspiration.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. With this text, it worked.