Robert Birming

WeblogPoMo 2024 – the fun and inspiring challenge to "encourage people to choose a guiding topic for the month, something that will help them feel propelled to post” – is over for this time (but Junited starts tomorrow). Many thanks to Anne Sturdivant for organizing it.

It's been a great journey! Unfortunately, I lost my streak because I moved my blog. But even if I hadn't been a blogger at all, I would have appreciated WeblogPoMo a lot. So much awesome content!

If I had to pick just one of the posts I read during May, it would be Slash Pages by Robb Knight. That page in and of itself is what blogging is all about:

Discovery & Unity

Some of the amazing participants have posted “WeblogPoMo retrospective” posts. I decided to collect these here (like the Our blogging workflow and Why we write posts).

...people wrote hundreds of blog posts, we had over 70 participators signup, one person spun up a bot specifically to post to Mastodon for everyone's RSS feeds who were participating... — Anne Sturdivant

There's nothing I love more than reading about things people are really into and WeblogPoMo has delivered on that. — Robb Knight

I'm now much clearer about why I have this blog. — Barry Sampson

It truly has been a joy to see so many people share their lives and inner thoughts over the past month. — Brandon

This challenge was great for giving me a goal I wanted to stick to... — Gavin Anderegg

One thing I did enjoy was just writing stuff without really caring if it was perfect. — Lewis Dale

I cherish what I have now and only want to build on it. How grateful I am for this month... — Ben Daubney

It's helped re-kindle my love of blogging. Helped re-tool my brain to think about what and how to share things (and why). — Teejay

It pushed me outside of my comfort zone. It pushed me to write on days I didn't want to write. — JCProbably

Writing has become a little easier, I can feel that mental wall getting slightly shorter and more scalable. — Jon Romo

I think the best thing about this challenge was that it forced me to stop overthinking and just simply write. — Kerri Ann

.. it’s been a lot of fun getting to know new people and learning more about y’all. — Nic Lake

… this challenge has helped me fine-tune my site into something I love and enjoy updating and exploring. — Brandon

What was good about the writing challenge was seeing what other people came up with. — Lou Plummer

I am grateful to have taken part in the challenge because it reignited my passion for writing, even when some days felt remarkably busy. — Mark

Some pretty nice posts have come out of these blogging challenges and I’m not sure whether or not those posts would have been written without the challenge. — Barry Hess

I very much enjoyed reading everyone's posts and I discovered a whole bunch of new people to follow through the hashtag. — R Scott Jones

I also got inspired by all the lovely blogs I found through the hashtag, of more technically experienced people than me, and changed my blog’s theme and found a plugin… — Alice

My favorite part of this whole experience was seeing posts from other people. — Mandaris Moore

I am happy I took it relatively easy, after all this is not something I wanted to force myself into. I wrote when I wanted, and that was ok. — Joel